Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle
 Hello readers, welcome to my blog ! it's such a long time for not post anything in my blog. Actually my life is so massive right now with many assignment and anything else. Okay, let's move again to the topic.
 I made crossword puzzle with my chairmate Nanda in my English class last week. Do you know crossword puzzle? From wikipedia crossword is a word puzzle that normally takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white and black shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues which lead to the answers. In languages that are written left-to-right, the answer words and phrases are placed in the grid from left to right and from top to bottom. The shaded squares are used to separate the words or phrases.

So........... here is our crossword puzzle.

And for finish that puzzle, these are clues which we made. Happy playing!

1. Something more than ordinary...
2. " I'd fly ... I had wings on my back."
3.  A place where you can see several animals safely...
4. Beautiful place we will gone to after death if we have good deeds...
5. Something you have to answer...
6. The color of sunflower petals...
7. If you spill coffee on your clothes, it'll leave a ... that's hard to clean.
8. Something you can see with your eyes and you can touch it...
9. If you want to start an account, there's ... / requirement to be completed.
10. It's a part of human face (bone)  that help mouth to open.

1. Classical music instrument that is played by the mouth...
2. Full of inovation, ideas and imagination...
3. " There's a generation ... with me and my husband so we have different taste of humor."
4.  Age phase where you can enjoy life free, full of fun since your condition is still fit and active...
5.  Something you can't see...
6.  Chicken giving birth to a/an...
7.  Things detailed about yourself, usually for your ID Card.
8.  If you want to apply for a job, you have to had it.
9.  Many dog usually .... up clothes with their claw for playing or when they're mad.
10. It has so many flavor like strawberry and usually applied on a bread.
11.  " Just be confidence and ... it as what you want!"
12.  " River water ... so fast, you have to be careful."
13.  When it's morning and the air still so fresh, usually there will be a lot of ... on the window.

Try it! Comment if you can finish it!
Thanks for coming to my blog and thanks for reading it, bye..


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