Nature Nowadays

Nature Nowadays

Nature is our home where we can live with it, learn from it, get benefit from it, have impacts from it, and we can socialize with it, it’s a place where we can get experiences, inspirations, and motivations. And actually we, human beings, are part of nature.  Nature has given us everything we need such as oxygen, vegetables, animals, trees, fruits, soil, and many more things to live, actually nature gives us things that can make our life in peace, happy, relax, and love life.

And after so many things that nature always give to us, human beings, to live, what have we done for nature? Is nature nowadays better than nature in the past? Actually nature will always depends to us, human beings who can care to it and also can break it. There are not all human beings who have intention and plan to protect  our nature, and it’s  not a few of them too who do not care to nature. fortunately nature now still have human beings who care to it, and protect it, that human beings are aware that nature is our home, it’s not only home for us, but also for our next generation, do we want our next generation, our child, live in a bad nature, broken nature? So after all this things that nature has given to us, let’s care to nature, let’s try to not break it, and let’s protect it.

Nature nowadays has gotten many problems, it’s not as good as nature in the past. There are many technologies which give negative impact to nature, such as many bad waste from many factory give bad impacts for nature. There are also so many trash from human beings that hard to asunder. And I think we must create many manufactures that won’t  break the nature. Actually we can create many good manufacture like biofuel to replace fuels which has bad impacts for nature, bioplastic which can replace plastic with bad impacts to nature, and many more good manufacture, many more good technologies, that we can create that won’t make bad impacts for nature.

Nature will always be our home in peace, happy, and love. Actually just our little action to just reduce, reuse, and recycle the trash, it can make our future nature better and not broken.


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