My fiend's Story

Hanny's Unforgettable Moment
Welcome back to Qori's blog!!
Here I wanna share about my friend's unforgettable experience, Let's check it out!!
Five years ago......
Hanny went to Disney Land in Tokyo with her friends.And you know what?? That day was her birthday!! In the Disney Land She said to one staff that that day was her birthday. And then the staff gave her a sicker , and with that sticker everyone who saw that sticker would congratulated her on her birthday. It was really cool and unique experience.... And yaaa exactly it was unforgettable moment!!
Hasil gambar untuk disneyland tokyo birthday sticker
 She felt very happy in that day. And I think she was so lucky. Her experience is so unique, because just a few people I think who lucky like her. I hope I can having birthday in Disney Land too (soon),like her. Aaamiiin. 

Okay Guys...  I think that's enough for my friend's unforgettable experience.. ^-^
Thank you for coming to my blogg... I hope you enjoy my blog... And read this blog happily :)


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